What is Clique Space?
Clique Space™ is what you might use to assert possession of things in this world. These things are devices that you use day to day (things like cars, computers, phones, etc.). Together, they make the same set of assertions: collectively, they virtually manifest your “Sovereign” cyber-spatial corpus and communicate your cyber-spatial presence to others who may come into contact with and communicate to you through these devices. Clique Space endeavours to extend the individual’s presence over their devices and maximises this potential through a basic communication protocol which can be extended to transport the real-time state and control information of anything that can serve as a device for this purpose.
The first design objective I am trying to achieve in my software is a system where you can, in real time, query any hardware or software device you come across for the identity of the person with whom you would be interacting through the given device.
Secondly, this system connects your devices together in a “neural network” (your devices are Clique Space aware Peers, so they variously connect together in this way) so that you, as the individual manifest through these devices, may become aware of, and can represent your presence to, others through the collection of devices that others have connected together to represent them in way identical to the way your devices represent you.
Your collection of devices represent you as an individual in this world to others through their collection of devices. Your devices become an extension of your real-time physical presence in this world.
Although you can almost do something similar by stringing various technologies together through shared APIs, there is nothing that will integrate them all into a “central nervous system”. The notion of an individual’s “Sovereign” cyber-spatial CNS is the core of my idea and was the inspiration I had in 2004. I did nothing with the idea for about 3.5 years because I had thought someone else would have already put something like this together. I do keep a lazy eye out for news like this from others, but I am still yet to see evidence appear.
I’m looking for people who may be able to take my contraption to the masses, because I want to be known as the father of Clique Space!
I have been working on it since July 2008. The code perhaps consists of 900 or so Java source files: about 80% code for exceptions (aside: exceptions are subtyped in Clique Space as dilemmas and every dilemma must be converted to a solution before the call stack of a thinker (the only type of thread that can run Clique Space code) unwinds to the thinker’s run method and apoptosis is triggered - a mechanism that appears to be a salient use-case of Java’s checked exception feature!) in eight modularised subprojects of a Gradle multiproject build. Apart from the Java API, I don’t use any third party libraries because I haven’t found any others to be necessary. I haven’t needed to move far beyond SE. Although I have used pure functions sparingly, I have done this because anonymous inner classes appear to be a preferable alternative to lambdas in the bulk of situations in which I use them.
All source code is the property of me, Owen Thomas, and hence no source code is available on GitHub. This might indeed change in the future, but I prefer to hold my cards to my chest for now. If there is any value in these cards that I am holding, then perhaps you, the reader, can share in this value by helping me present this technology to the world in a way that preserves my proprietary stake.
Contact Information
- Email: owen dot paul dot thomas at gmail dot com
- Phone: +61 401 493 433
- Address: Wollongong, Australia